Thursday, January 31, 2019


Welcome to Piako Rua for 2019. We have planned a fun and exciting learning year for your child.
Like last year, Piako Rua will be operating out of LC 15 and LC 16. These are the two classrooms on the left hand side of the staff car park.  We are a Year 2 and 3 class with three teachers: Mrs Jo Lunn, Mrs Sarah Ruawai and Ms Sharon Udy. Please feel free to pop in and meet us.

Whilst we will be working together collaboratively, each child will have a Whanau Teacher who will be responsible for communicating with parents.

The first day of school is on Monday the 4th of February. Your child can enter through the classroom door in LC 16 (the Rainbow Room) and can hang their bag on any bag-hook. We aim to start swimming on the first day of school, so please send your child along with their togs and goggles. There are shelves in the classroom for the children to put their healthy snack on.

As you would have seen on the Riverdale School App, stationery will be available on the first day of school. Please would you ensure that you clearly name everything and then return it to school. We would like to begin writing in their books in Week 2.  We would also appreciate you sending along a pencil case to have in the classroom. This will contain your child’s pens, crayons and a glue stick. We feel that the children’s self-management skills will benefit from them being responsible for their own belongings.

During the year, we will keep you updated with App alerts and we also make regular posts on our blog. Please make sure you subscribe to Piako Rua alerts on the App and our blog can be found at

Please remind your child to bring a named School sunhat every day these are compulsory in Term One.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  We would love to help.

Warmest regards

Jo Lunn, Sarah Ruawai and Sharon Udy

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