- This is Oliver
- He is our Ariki - our leader
- The other children respect Oliver
- He is kind and fair
- Oliver leads the Pou Mihi each day
- Congratulations Oliver - you deserve this honour

- This is Braxton
- He is our Tohonga
- Braxton is an expert in many areas of School life
- He is a treasure in Piako Rua and we are proud that he is our Tohunga

- This is Neva
- She is one of our Aronui
- She is kind and caring
- Neva is well organised and is great at organising things for the teachers and children in Piako Rua
- This is Layla
- She is our other Aronui
- Layla has a heart of gold and is always on the lookout to help other children
- She is well organised and is a great helper to other children and the teachers
- This is Kyan
- He is our Mangatoa
- Kyan respects the rules
- He is quick to defend his friends who need his support
- We feel safe when Kyan is at school because we know he will look out for us
- This is Mason
- He is our other Mangatoa
- Mason obeys the rules
- He helps to remind others of the rules and is always on the look out to help remind his peers of what the right thing to do is
The teachers are really proud of these tamariki. They have been members of Piako Rua for two years now and have earned the right to be leaders. Congratulations kids. Ka mau te wehi xx
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