Every Friday while some kids are doing their opt in Art and Science and Technology workshops. the rest of us take part in a Maths Challenge set by one of the teachers.
The challenge on Friday was to draw a snowman using 15 circles. Now that might sound easy but we had to work out all the things that we needed to know in order to be able to solve the problem.
Here's what we came up with:
- know what a circle is
- know what a snowman looks like
- how to count to 15
- be able to count one to one
We found out that it was a pretty tricky challenge.
A couple of kids got it straight away but the rest of us had multiple tries at getting it right.
Some of us tried nearly a dozen times!
Mrs Lunn was so proud of us because not one kid gave up. We kept trying and trying until we got it!
Here are some of our finished snowmen. You may notice that no two snowmen look alike.
Mrs Lunn says that sometimes there is more than one answer to a question.
Today we proved that! 😁

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