Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Today Mrs White came to work in Piako Rua while Mrs Ruawai was away sick.  She read us a cool book all about Gorillas.  We wrote about gorillas today.  Have a read of our reports...

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Apes are herbivores.  Gorillas are clever because they leave their family when they are 11 years old.  Then they build houses and they live in them.
By Mason P

They are in the ape family.  Gorillas are just like us.  Males are called Silverbacks.  They live in Africa.
By Jed

Gorillas are clever because they can build shelters fast when it is raining heavily and they are strong.
By Lukas

Gorillas have long arms and short legs.  Gorillas are apes.  They can pick food from trees and from the ground.  They are good at camouflaging into the trees.  Gorillas are clever.  Males are called Silverbacks. They are very strong.  Silverbacks are bigger.  They can climb from tree to tree.
By Geordie

Gorillas are strong.  Gorillas can climb.  Gorillas are clever.  Gorillas have hands.  Gorillas can pick up things.
By April

Gorillas have fingers and toes.  They also are very strong.  They are herbivores.  Gorillas live in the jungle.  They bang their chest.
By Reuben

Gorillas are strong.  They fight their predators.  They can break logs.  They are herbivores.
By Liam

Gorillas are strong.  Apes have no tails.  Apes do not eat meat. They live in Africa.  When the predators try and get the baby gorillas, the Mummy gorillas roar and hit their chest.
By Jacob N

Gorillas are apes.  They are just like humans.   They don't eat meat because they are herbivores.  Gorillas live with their mums for a long time, until they are mums.  They go in the trees to camouflage.  They live in the jungle.
By Ruby

Gorillas are herbivores.  They don't eat meat.  They males are called Silverbacks. 
By Jack

Gorillas don't have tails because they are apes.  Gorillas are black so they can camouflage.  Gorilla mums have one baby at a time.  Gorillas eat berries so they can be healthy.  Male gorillas are called Silverbacks.
By Ava

Gorillas are clever.  They also have a lot of things in common with humans.  Gorillas have long arms to hang from tree branches.
By Maelee

Gorillas are extra special because other animals don't have toes and fingers.  Gorillas are super heavy and when they hide behind the trees they look like the forest.  Their fur is black.
By Alyssa

Gorillas are apes.  They are strong and they are heavy.
By Tryton

Gorillas love to eat bananas.  They fur keeps them warm.  Gorillas are like humans. They like berries too.
By Neva

They are strong.  They don't have tails.  Gorillas are part of the ape family.  Gorillas are clever because they can build huts really fast.
By Kruz

A gorilla is part of the ape family.  Gorillas are just like us.  Males are called Silverbacks.  They live in Africa.
By Oliver S

Gorillas live in the jungle.  They are strong. They don't eat meat.  They are called apes.  They don't have a tail. Gorillas are black.
By Brooke

Gorillas have fur to keep them warm.  They don't need umbrellas.  Some are black so they camouflage.
By Bonnie

Gorillas are apes.  They live in the jungle and they live in Africa too.  They are like humans. Gorillas are clever and strong.  Gorillas are humongous and make their own homes.  Gorillas eat leaves.
By Elliot

Gorillas are apes.  They are just like humans and people.  They walk, run and swim.  The baby gorilla lives with its mum and dad.  Sometimes the babies go on it's mum or dad's back.  They don't eat meat because they eat leaves.
By Amelia

They don't eat meat.  The males are called Silverbacks.
By Oliver W

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